Take the Lead in Managing Your Online Reputation

Let professionals handle your online reputation with expert 24/7 monitoring, negative review and content removal, enhanced web visibility, and digital marketing services.

Online Reputation Management Services

RetainTrust offers expert online reputation management (ORM) services, helping businesses monitor online content around the clock, manage positive and remove negative reviews, enhance online visibility, improve search engine rankings, and drive sales.

With rapid spread of information online, keeping positive public perception of your company is increasingly challenging. It takes years to build your business, but a few negative or fraudulent reviews, biased social media posts, or damaging content can tarnish your hard earned reputation and drive customers away. Whether from dissatisfied customers, disgruntled employees, or competitors and trolls, such content can impact your brand’s trust and profitability. Strategic online reputation management (ORM) by RetainTrust comes to mitigate these risks and protect your brand’s reputation.

Your Business Is Your Focus, Let Us Handle Your Online Reputation Management

Your Business Is Your Focus. Reputation Management.

With our full service online reputation management (ORM) service, you can focus on what you do best, running your business!

Our Comprehensive Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services Include:

RetainTrust offers full-service online reputation management services to help businesses maintain positive image online. Here’s what we do and how we help:

  1. Monitor Online Presence. We keep an eye 24/7 on what’s being said about you or your business across various platforms including social media, review sites, press, and search engines.
  2. Manage Reviews. Our services help you handle customer reviews on sites like Google, Yelp, Trustpilot, Glassdoor, and others, making sure positive reviews are highlighted and negative ones are addressed quickly and appropriately.
  3. Remove Negative Content. We manage the removal process of negative reviews and content, flagging and appealing against harmful, defamatory, and fraudulent reviews.
  4. Respond to Feedback. We write thoughtful responses to both positive and negative reviews and comments on your behalf, demonstrating commitment to valuing customer feedback, delivering excellent support.
  5. Competitor Monitoring. Our competitor monitoring service provides real-time insights into your competitors reviews, ratings, online activities and strategies, enabling you to stay ahead in the market.
  6. Improve Search Rankings (SEO). We use search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to boost positive content about your business in search engine results.

Overall, we help you build strong, positive online reputation, essential for customer trust and growing your business.

Multi-Channel 24/7 Reputation Monitoring

As part of our full-service online reputation management (ORM) service, we monitor web reviews and online content 24/7, responding promptly when necessary. We address every review or new content with fast follow-ups, appropriate responses, and escalate removal requests when possible. We oversee your whole business’s overall rankings to ensure a positive presence.

Monitoring Online Platforms, Review Networks, and Search Engines for Reputation Management

Our Coverage Includes:

With multi-channel online reputation management (ORM) service approach, our team tracks search results on Google and Bing for new online content about your business. We monitor and address negative reviews on platforms such as Google Maps, Yelp, Glassdoor, Facebook, Indeed, Ripoff Report, RateMDs, TripAdvisor, Airbnb, and many others, ensuring your online reputation stays strong.

We help businesses navigate and improve their online reputation across various platforms. From popular local review sites like Google My Business (Google Maps), Trustpilot, or Yelp to retail giants such as Amazon and Walmart, and travel platforms like TripAdvisor, our service involves monitoring and managing customer feedback. We also assist in handling reviews and content on social media platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and others.

Also, we help businesses in addressing reviews on job sites like Glassdoor and Indeed, where employees share their experience and work culture. We also support management of reviews on complaint sites such as RipOff Report and Better Business Bureau (BBB). In addition, we assist businesses respond to reviews on niche platforms like Capterra, G2, FindLaw, or Angie’s List, which serve specific industries.

Moreover, we specialize in enhancing online visibility and reputation on search engines like Google and Bing. By integrating effective SEO strategies with online reviews and customer feedback, we help businesses achieve higher rankings in search results and get better web traffic and ultimately sales. This includes optimizing business listings, monitoring search engine results (SERP’s), and acting fast on addressing any negative feedback that may impact online reputation.

If you have any concerns about other platforms, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll work closely with you to find the most effective strategy and solution for your online reputation management (ORM) service needs.

How We Help Remove Negative Reviews and Content

Reputation Management

Our reputation management (ORM) and online content removal services are designed to help businesses like yours to navigate the complex landscape of digital review sites. We specialize in identifying and removing harmful content that can potentially damage your image. When you are dealing with bad misleading reviews, unjust criticism from unhappy customers or former employees, discriminatory comments, or fake information, we are the experts to address these challenges.

We carefully assess the negative content against the guidelines of each review platform and initiate an appeal for its removal. With our expertise and understanding of these networks, we enhance the likelihood of successful removal. This may require multiple attempts, however, we remain persistent until the desired outcome is achieved.

We Offer Full-Service Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services

Reputation Management Services

With our comprehensive reputation management (ORM) service, you can focus on what you do best, running your business!

What if the Negative Content Can’t be Removed?

If we’re unable to remove a review or content because it’s well written and meets network guidelines, our team ensures a prompt response on your behalf. When possible possible, we make an attempt to resolve issues offline, finding optimal solutions to address concerns. Our responses address the issue directly, guiding the reviewer to the appropriate department within your company for resolution, often resulting in a change of mind and potential removal of the review.

This proactive approach shows your commitment to customer service, improving your company’s reputation. Eventually, even negative feedback can be transformed into a positive advantage.

We Encourage Positive Reviews to Boost Rankings

As part of our Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services, we engage with customers and employees (for job related sites like Glassdoor or Indeed) to encourage positive reviews on your behalf. By creating a culture of positivity around your brand, we enhance your star ratings and overall rankings, improving your online presence.

Strategic Competitor Analysis in Reputation Management

We analyze competitors’ online presence to discover their strengths and weaknesses, empowering our clients to improve their image and gain competitive advantage.

Then, we establish goals for improving online profiles, generating stronger content, increasing positive reviews, boosting star rankings, and securing top positions on directories, review sites, and search engines.

Our objective is to fortify your company’s reputation, increase visibility with higher click-through rates (CTR) from top search positions, and drive sales. Ultimately, we aim to position your brand as a leader in the industry, capturing all the attention and loyalty of customers researching similar products and services online.

Reputation Management Integrations with Other Marketing and Recruitment Activities

Reputation Management

We seamlessly integrate our reputation management (ORM) efforts with your organization’s marketing activities and departments, including PR, Branding, Digital Marketing, Recruitment, and more.

For example, we support your HR and internal recruitment teams by managing feedback from platforms like Glassdoor and Indeed about your company.

Boost Online Engagement, Conversions, and Lead Generation Through Improved Reputation and Rankings

Positive web reviews and rankings can improve the overall perception of your products and services, increasing online sales, leads, and conversions on your site. As part of our service, we monitor your web traffic, website performance, engagement rate, and lead generation. By managing your online reputation, we help build trust with clients and customers, encouraging them to choose your products and services over competitors. Our service helps not only to attracts more visitors but also converts them into loyal customers.

Attract Top Talent for Your Company with Reputation Management on Talent Networks

Did you know that 7 out of 10 applicants would decline an interview or a job offer if a company has too many 1 or 2 star reviews on job networks like Glassdoor or Indeed? Our online reputation management (ORM) service is here to tackle this issue. We investigate to uncover the root causes behind negative reviews from your current and former employees. By addressing these concerns and improving the overall sentiment, we share our feedback with you, and work to ensure your business receives a positive rankings in the future. Also, we take action by reporting negative reviews that may be unjustified or misleading.

Fast Crisis Mitigation and Response

In the event of a negative incident, our company help businesses respond quickly and appropriately to prevent the situation from escalating.

We develop crisis management plans that outline specific actions to take in various scenarios, ensuring the business is prepared for any potential repetitional threats.

Challenges in Reputation Management for Companies

Over 70% of companies do not check or manage their online reputation, and an additional 15% do so inconsistently. Businesses often struggle to effectively take ownership of their online profiles, manage, respond to, and flag reviews, comment, social posts and other content for several reasons.

Firstly, many lack a structured approach or sufficient resources for monitoring and addressing online reputation management challenges. Internal conflicts between departments such as PR, Customer Success, Marketing, HR, and Recruiting often arise over who should monitor review networks, press, search engines, and social media, and handle responses.

Secondly, there is often a lack of full understanding of the importance of online reputation management (ORM). Thirdly, the massive volume of content and feedback across different online networks can overwhelm businesses, making it challenging to keep up with responses and flag inappropriate content.

Additionally, some businesses lack clear policies or guidelines for handling and responding to feedback, news, and content, leading to inconsistent or inadequate responses. For example, a business may actively respond to all online reviews or social posts for a period, only to stop suddenly due to personnel changes or loss of motivation.

These factors emphasize the challenges of maintaining online presence and visibility, showing the advantages of working with a reputation management company like us, RetainTrust. Our services bring online reputation management and review removal, relieving you of the need to monitor review platforms, Google your business name, and track media mentions to protect your brand. With our 24/7 support and management, we handle all aspects of online content, both positive and negative, ensuring peace of mind for your business.

Why is it Beneficial for Your Businesses to Hire an Online Reputation Management (ORM) Company

Why is it Beneficial for Your Businesses to Hire an Online Reputation Management (ORM) Company?

Hiring an Online Reputation Management (ORM) company like RetainTrust can significantly impact your business’s online and offline success. Here are some key reasons why it’s important:

  • A positive online reputation and visibility helps establish customer trust, which is essential for getting and retaining your most loyal customers.
  • By managing reviews, feedback, and content about your company, we enhance customer engagement and satisfaction, leading to a better overall customer experience and improvement in conversions and sales.
  • ORM companies like ours quickly address negative reviews or negative content online.
  • We optimize your online content to rank higher in search results, making your business more visible with more web traffic.
  • Managing your online reputation is time-consuming. Hiring experts allows you to focus on your core business activities while they handle your digital image. You don’t have to worry what is going on online on a daily basis.

Hiring an online reputation management company helps businesses maintain a positive digital presence, build trust with customers, improve search rankings, increase sales and engagement, protect against negative publicity, save time, and enhance their overall brand.

Access Our Comprehensive Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services:

Access Our Comprehensive Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services:

Try our comprehensive reputation management (ORM) services, we’ll take care of you while you are running your business!

What is the Cost for Your Online Reputation Management (ORM) Services?

For full service online reputation management (ORM) services, our pricing is tailored to factors such as your company’s size, number of locations, the volume and frequency of online reviews, and the frequency of mentions across various websites and publications. We make individual assessments for each company and present a proposal that accommodate your budget while ensuring full protection of your reputation.

With our review removal service, you only pay after successful removal of the negative content, ensuring that you pay for results rather than promises and unsuccessful attempts. Our pay-per-performance model provides assurance that you’re investing in a service that delivers results. This approach eliminates any financial risk on your end, if we can’t take it down, you don’t pay!

Is Your Business Portrayed Accurately Online?

Our Full Service Reputation Management (ORM) Services

Key Offering Include:

Monitor Online Presence

We track online reviews and content related to your business 24/7, promptly respond, and enhance your online rankings.

Encourage Good Reviews

We proactively interact with customers and employees on your behalf, generating positive reviews and boosting your ratings.

Dispute Negative Content

Our team addresses negative reviews or content, taking fast action to report it to networks for removal or providing thoughtful responses to resolve issues.

Does your business have multiple locations?

Reputation Management on Location Level

Manage your organization’s online reviews at the individual branch level. We treat each location as separate entity, providing timely responses and submit removal requests when needed. Our team monitor the rankings for each location to ensure none are lagging or damaging your local or overall reputation.

Local Reputation Management

Competitive Benchmarking

Our team monitors each competitor at the local level, ensuring your company and its branches maintain a competitive advantage and strong local online representation.

Local Trust and Transparency

Build strong trust and maintain full transparency locally by addressing each review individually and responding to positive and negative online content promptly.

Local Search Engine Optimization

To support your local online reviews, we provide search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure each business location ranks high in local search results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Need A Reputation Management Company?

Think of it this way, a reputation management company like RetainTrust acts like your online representation ready to help and protect. Like a hawk, they look what people are saying about your company, products and services online and step in to address any issues before it becomes even bigger problem. For example, if a customer leaves a bad review on Yelp or a former employee writes negativity on Glassdoor, these experts jump in to handle on your behalf. Its like your own PR team, who make sure that your online reputation stays strong.

Is Handling Negative Reviews Something I Can Do Myself? It Seems Pretty Simple, Right?

Absolutely, you can respond to negative reviews and request removal if they violate network guidelines, which can sometimes be subject to interpretation. However, in practice, business owners and even marketing professionals responsible for monitoring these aspects often become overwhelmed with other tasks and projects, leading to neglect in addressing the ever-changing reviews, content, and sentiment about your company. You can leave it to professionals and enjoy peace of mind while managing your business.

Should I Purchase a Reputation Management Software?

While there are many excellent reputation management software products, relying only on technology can also lead to neglect. Without someone dedicated to tracking those tools and monitoring your reputation in-house, it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks. In addition, investing in and maintaining such software can be costly. By hiring a reputation management (ORM) company, you are guaranteed the best protection for your business. These experts leverage latest technology on behalf of their clients, making sure that your online reputation is in safe hands.

Is it Ethical to Report and Remove Negative Reviews?

We live in a society that values free speech, some may question the ethics of reporting and trying to remove bad reviews or content. However, many online platforms provide the option to respond to or report content. It’s not uncommon for business owners to appeal negative feedback that could harm their reputation. If you choose to address it yourself or hire professionals like us, it’s the same to hiring a lawyer in a dispute, regardless of who may be in the right or wrong. It’s about protecting your business and ensuring fairness.

Case Studies On Reputation Management by RetainTrust:

Our case studies provide real-life insights into how we’ve successfully helped clients improve their online reputation, enhance their brand, and drive sales.

Enhancing Local Bar's Online Presence and Positive Reviews with RetainTrust Reputation Management

Enhancing Local Restaurant’s Online Presence and Positive Reviews with Reputation Management – A Case Study

Demonstrating success in Negative Review Removal and Reputation Management for a local bar, night cl…

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Enhancing Luxury Car Dealership Online Reputation

Optimizing Luxury Car Dealership’s Reputation Through Effective Online Review Management – A Case Study

Example of reputation management and negative review removal for car dealership. Optimizing Online R…

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Online Reputation Management Blog by RetainTrust:

Discover the latest trends, research, and our insights in the Online Reputation Management Blog category.

Competitor writing negative reviews

Detecting Competitors Behind Fake Reviews. How to Identify Competitors Posting Fraudulent Reviews About Your Business

Nightmare “competitors from hell”, while most businesses won’t have problem with this, s…

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Effective Online Review Management Strategies. Tips and Best Practices on How to Manage Reviews

Effective Online Review Management Strategies. Tips and Best Practices on How to Manage Reviews

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How to Respond to a Negative Review. Examples of How to Turn Negative Reviews into Advantages for Your Business

Responding to Negative Reviews Online. Examples of How to Reply and Turn Bad Reviews into an Advantage for Your Business

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“My background check business receives many negative reviews, often because people can’t find the information they need or want to remove criminal records that are legally required to be there. These unjustified and biased reviews significantly hurt my business. RetainTrust helped me identify and remove reviews that violated network guidelines, improving our conversions and enabling us to close more business. Thank you for your excellent service!”

Employment Screening Services

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